Sold Print, "Blue Ridge Cloud Shadows" C. Twomey Award Winning Art

"Jessie's Girl" Commission Completed

“Jessie’s Girl” 18X24” Commission

“Jessie’s Girl” 18X24” Commission

This very special art was created to hang in the office of a therapist who works with women who have eating disorders. The concept of self-love looms large, and the gold and copper swirls in the hair are a Celtic symbol that represents the strength of women. Acrylic on archival panel, with copper, gold and silver.

Be Safe; What Has Florence Wrought?

Unfortunately the fate of these two pieces is unknown. My gallery opening was to be Friday, Sept. 14 in New Bern, North Carolina. This town was severely impacted by Hurricane Florence, as was, I’m pretty sure, the gallery, which was downtown. Here’s hoping for the best for the residents and my fellow artists! And if you see them floating by, please give me a ring…..


Bank of the Arts Competition Acceptance!

"Electric Storm Approaching"; acrylic; 12X12"; infused with silver, gold and copper

"Electric Storm Approaching"; acrylic; 12X12"; infused with silver, gold and copper

Pleased to announce this piece has been accepted into the national juried show, "Bank of the Arts." Almost 600 works were entered, only a few over 100 were accepted.

About the painting: That moment when you sense a nasty storm about to reach you, but you have no intention of moving. The electricity is in the air, there's no where to go, yet still you can't move. This is an acrylic painting, 12X12", original with pouring and hand painting.

Fireflies: Study of fireflies in June

The fireflies migrate to the tops of the oaks after about 9:00 pm. I wish I knew what they were planning. It's been humid, hot and the days filled with downpours, one after the other. Maybe they're trying to escape the earth? 4X6" on archival canvas board.
