Planning 2014; Sheep Cloud Mountains

Oil Painting of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Blue Ridge Blue Skyline Sheep Cloud

Above, 5" X 7" oil on linen board; painted live along Skyline Drive in the Piedmont Area of Virginia, in Shenandoah National Park. Made me feel like an angel as the warm summer breezes overcame my easel and me. I loved the patterns; the repetition of shapes and most of all, the color of these mountains. See the sheep cloud to the upper right? My eye finally found him after I thought I was done, but he's welcome to stay.
Today: an auspicious start to the New Year 2014, Year of the Horse, spent meeting a lovely group of fellow artists. We're planning an upcoming Studio Tour for northern Albemarle County, north of Charlottesville, for either the spring or the fall. Cannot wait to get to know such an inspiring group of fellow artists, including watercolorists, painters, weavers, art manufacturers and more.