Medical Illustrations & Communications

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The following represent a thirty year in-the-making body of work. Sectors represented include advertising agencies, medical education companies, corporations, schools, publishers, physicians, small businesses, medical legal firms, charities and more.

Published on the cover of 

Hospital Practice Journal 

article on lung pathologies.

Publication on the

Causes of Pain

; illustration showing the anatomy of the peripheral nerve fibers.

Conceptual cover illustration for a medical education symposium on 

Cardiovascular Disease

Medical legal illustration used as evidence in a automobile accident case

where the spinal vertebra were fractured.

Interactive program on the

Senses: Hearing

and the connections between the ear and brain.

Two illustrations above currently used in a charitable South African program, teaching nurses how to recognize pediatric ocular pathologies in order to prevent blindness.

Anagen Phase of Follicular Development

for a hair growth pharmaceutical product.

Pathologies of Red Blood Cells

, publication.

Comparison of normal venous dynamics vs.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

, created for medical education company for cardiovascular anatomy and physiology.

Anatomy and Physiology

book showing the

Bilipid Cell Membrane

Partuition: Nine-month Fetus

for medical legal case.

Pediatric Digestive System

for publication.

Cellular Tree Structure

for book on biology.

Animal and Plant Cells

for book on anatomy.

Equine Digestive System

for United States Dressage Federation publication.

Cruciate Ligaments

for anatomy book.

Knee Ligaments for anatomy book.

Interactive Program for

Transplant Patients: Dialysis Illustration